
ICONOCLAST from New York (Leo Ciesa on drums and Julie Joslyn on effectful sax, violin, electronics and vocals) are returning to town. Typical 80’s club sounds of New York will be cut through with the Swiss MIR with their noisy electic avant-garde electronics in form of classical noise trio – drums, guitars, synths. The sound of noisy 21st century will be filled in by Slovenian CADLAG, protagonists of Gorica’s independent electic label Pharmafabrik.

V mesto se vračata newyorška ICONOCLAST v duetu Leo Ciesa na bobnih in Julie Joslyn na efektiranih saksofonu, violini, elektroniki in vokalu. Tipičen newyorški zvok klubskih osemdesetih bodo presekali švicarski MIR s hrupno eklektiko avantgardne elektronike v obliki noise kvarteta – bobni, kitara, bas, sintetizatorji. Zvok hrupnega 21. stoletja pa bo dopolnil domači CADLAG, protagonisti goriške neodvisne eklektične založbe Pharmafabrik.

CADLAG is a noise/drone project, brought to the fore by members of PureH, Dodecahedragraph, Extreme Smoke 57, Earslaughter…Their influences and output ranges from grindcore to live experimental music and electronic manipulations of sound, using -in DIY spirit – both analog and digital means to compress the “drone oriented grid-landscape cacophonic palletes of industrial sonorousness” – fuelled with spasmodical eruptions and convolutions of noise paroxysmathemahinations.
[aE ⊆ R ƒ(t+) → back to a and than b→c , “c” which is absent, subtract from the ∂”a-c” calculus and add 0-1c ⊆ F ƒ(t-) = cadlag modulus.<>]

Categories: Live