10. April 2014 21:00 Dvorana Gustaf Pekarna Ob železnici 16 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Google Maps

Oneirich – Horae Obscura X “Non Qui Parum Habet, Sed Qui Plus Cupit, Pauper Est” (aired at Villa Bota Radio, 8th April 2014) villabota.be

Cadlag kao naziv ovog projekta vuče svoje korijene iz matematike, a definicija bi bila “funkcija f(t) koja je neprekidna s desne strane, a u svakoj točki ima limes s lijeve strane”. Ovo je zvučni projekt za koji su zaslužni članovi grupa PureH, Extreme Smoke 57, Dodecahedragraph i Earslaughter. Utjecaji koji njeguju spomenuti izvođači su prilično   Read More …

Available on tape, VHS and 5″ tape reel, “Cadlag Live Tape” is the second album by Cadlag which is released after a three track album available digitally and several compilation tracks. Recorded live, as the title states, in 2013 at Ljubljana Noise Festival and at the Trbovlje New Media Festival, “Cadlag Live Tape” brings to   Read More …

Seventh in the series of bi-annual compilations presenting 23 Dark Ambient compositions. Released on the Spring Equinox 2014 Artwork by Fabian van der Meer, Madguten & P23 Compiled & Mastered by P23 Link

Boxset celebrating the 5 years of Toxic Industries, limited to 50 hand-numbered copies. An international compilation featuring 47 artists from China, Colombia, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Thailand and United States. The box theme is the infamous virus H5N1. It contains 4 CDr spray-painted   Read More …

This is very intense! CADLAG is Slovenian-based quartet featuring members of projects such as Earslaughter, PureH, Extreme Smoke 57 and Dodecahedragraph. Judged by the aforementioned names, you might have a clue of what to expect on this 40 minutes running album titled “Cadlag Live Tape”. The quartet takes its starting point in electronic manipulations of   Read More …

Due lunghi brani live eseguiti nel 2013, rispettivamente al Noise Festival di Lubiana e al Trbovlje New Media Festival, riassumono l’essenza di questo giovane progetto sloveno, messo in piedi in tempi recenti da membri di act quali PureH e Dodecahedragraph. I ‘nastri’ del titolo vedono la luce in molteplici formati tutti dallo spiccato sapore retrò   Read More …

Myrornas Krig featured on WESU FM, alternative radio since 1939. Link: http://wesufm.org/

Cadlag Live Tape featured on this month’s Ultra FM: Transmissions of Exploratory Music // News from labels Cold Spring, Pharmafabrik, Hotflush and Dekmantel. Nye tracks fra navne som Troum og Tunnels Of Ah på Cold Spring Records. Derudover nyt fra labels som Pharmafabrik, Hotflush og Dekmantel. Producent: Niels Mark Artist Title Album Label Start End   Read More …

Um incrível show, sinceramente gostaria de estar lá pra presenciar esse cara ao vivo! Ótimos ruídos e em horas exatas, simplesmente perfeito e muito agradável! http://extremenoiseworld.blogspot.com/2014/02/cadlag-2013-live-live-tape.html

A défaut de trouver dans l’actu la plus récente… autant revenir sur le dernier meilleur disque de Harsh de 2013. C’est un live mais le son est bon et les 40 minutes passent vraiment bien. Evidemment, maintenant la barre est haute… Difficile de trouver mieux. http://novaexpressmusique.blogspot.com/2014/02/cadlag-live-tape.html

Cadlag – Asbestopluma Infundibulum // A dark/ritual/esoteric ambient, drone, atmospheric black metal, noise ambient compilation Obscura Pink Walrus Productions Archive.org

2013 au peigne fin : 110 albums “ambient” Cet abîme noise-ambient opaque et malaisant, mixture d’échardes digitales et de papier de verre analogique, doit autant au dark ambient électronique du patron de Pharmafabrik Simon Šerc (aka PureH), initiateur du projet, qu’au futurisme harsh noise cyclonique et sursaturé de son compatriote Neven M. Agalma (Dodecahedragraph, Ontervjabbit).   Read More …

Institute For Alien Research Noise Comp 2

V današnji oddaji Neslišno bomo predstavili dva live posnetka zvočnega projekta Cadlag. Poslušali bomo posnetek z naslovom Infundibulum, ki je bil posnet na Noise festivalu 2013 v Ljubljani dne trinajstega aprila. Sledil bo posnetek z naslovom Speculum. Na začetku današnje oddaje se vam opravičujemo za majhno dezinformacijo. V prejšnji oddaji smo za današnjo oddajo najavili   Read More …

  Pharmafabrik, 2013 / Produkcija: Cadlag Tradicija noise glasbe pri nas sega še v osemdeseta leta, a bi težko govorili o kontinuirani in enotni sceni. Večinoma je šlo za posamezne entuziaste, ki so poskušali čim več nastopati, svoje posnetke pa so razpečevali na koncertih in festivalih. Zadnje leto, dve sta z nastopi pri nas in   Read More …

DES CENDRES À LA CAVE – Dépôts de bilans à la cave – 2013 30 best albums in year 2013 par Rabbit En attendant le bilan commun – et commenté – des contributeurs de ce blog, voici déjà ma sélection toute personnelle et brute de décoffrage au rayon des musiques sombres et singulières que ces   Read More …

Le streaming du jour #987 : Cadlag – ’Live Tape’ On a beau entendre un ou deux spectateurs francophones s’agiter dans le public des festivals qui les ont enfantées, ces 40 minutes de live largement improvisées nous emmènent plutôt en terre étrangère, Slovénie pour le lieu d’enregistrement et quelque abîme noise-ambient opaque et malaisant pour le   Read More …

Lux Atenea News nº8.606: Cadlag “Infundibulum (Live Noisefest 13.4.2013)” (videoclip). http://luxatenealibros.blogspot.com/2014/01/lux-atenea-news-n8606-cadlag.html

Audio cassette + 5-inch reel tape + VHS video tape Cadlag is a noise/drone project, brought to the fore by members of PureH, Dodecahedragraph, TGWFYTD, Extreme Smoke 57, and Earslaughter. Their influences and output ranges from grindcore to live experimental music and electronic manipulations of sound, using both analog and digital means to compress the   Read More …

Cadlag Live Tape 3X Cadlag je noise/drone projekt, ki ga sestavljajo člani zasedb PureH, Dodecahedragraph, TGWFYTD, Extreme Smoke 57 in Earslaughter. Modus operandi njihovega pristopa temelji na dronersko orientiranih teksturizacijah, na plastenju nojzerskih gmot in randomiziranih oblik digitalno-algoritmičnih parametrov in analognih oscilacij, ki se sprevračajo po grid-pokrajinah z industrijsko kombinatoriko zvoka in erupcijami nojzerskega hrupozvočja. Izza   Read More …

Sprehod po sferah nojza in drona, ki je na voljo tudi na VHS-u! Nojz. Drone. Šum. Kaos. Kot nalašč za soundtrack ene tistih grozljivk, ki kradejo spanec. Krog? Kako primerno, da si je mogoče aktualno izdajo kupiti tudi v obliki VHS kasete! Domači četverec je “Cadlag Live Tape” posnel na letošnjem Noise festivalu v Menzi   Read More …

Indie-Grad 19. december 2013 Pharmafabrik z novim izidom! 3x tape: kaseta, VHS, kolut CADLAG je noise/drone projekt, ki ga sestavljajo člani zasedb PureH, Dodecahedragraph, TGWFYTD, Extreme Smoke 57 in Earslaughter. Modus operandi njihovega pristopa temelji na dronersko orientiranih teksturizacijah, na plastenju nojzerskih gmot in randomiziranih oblik digitalno-algoritmičnih parametrov in analognih oscilacij, ki se sprevračajo po   Read More …


2013-10-12 – Speculum Artium, DDT Old Gallery, Trbovlje, Slovenia



2013-06-22 – DDT Nova galerija/Kurilnica, Trbovlje, Slovenia

Odlehčená atmosféra mizí při počátku setu CADLAG. Před scénou je velká bílá plachta, na kterou se promítá zrnění různých intenzit. Vzhledem k tomu, že projekce svítí do publika zezadu, je možné i vidět stíny jednotlivých členů tohoto tělesa. Krom klasického noisového stolu se na kraji občas mihne basista, ale o mnoho více ze souboru rozeznat   Read More …

2013-04-13 – DRMK Noisefest, Menza pri Koritu, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Reverse engineering MIR + CADLAG Koncert švicarske zasedbe MIR in domačih CADLAG. Večer eksperimentalnega in noise rocka. CADLAG (Pharmafabrik/Ajdovščina-Hrastnik/SLO) je noise/drone projekt, ki ga sestavljajo člani PureH, Dodecahedragraph, Extreme Smoke, Earslaughter. Njihovi vplivi segajo v področe žive eksperimentalne glasbe in elektronike z dronersko skompresiranimi zvočnimi paletami, ki se tako analogno kot digitalno in v duhu   Read More …

ICONOCLAST from New York (Leo Ciesa on drums and Julie Joslyn on effectful sax, violin, electronics and vocals) are returning to town. Typical 80’s club sounds of New York will be cut through with the Swiss MIR with their noisy electic avant-garde electronics in form of classical noise trio – drums, guitars, synths. The sound   Read More …

2012-12-25 – Dirtmor, Treviso, Italy

2012-12-23 – Antica Birreria Mezzaterra, Belluno, Italy